Posted on 3/21/2011

Buying a used Porsche can be a difficult and even stressful task due to the potential for expensive repairs. Anyone contemplating a used Porsche purchase should consider that at a minimum, a few thousand dollars will be needed to bring things into top condition. Many believe that problems like a worn out clutch, or even engine and suspension issues are the worst and will set you back a lot of money–and they can. However, the worst case scenario is a twisted or diamond shaped chassis (body) caused by an accident. Often you cannot visually tell just by glancing at the exterior of the car. In this situation, the chassis will never be the same no matter how much time or expense is invested. The only way to lessen this risk is to send the prospective purchase for a PPI (Pre-Purchase Inspection) to a highly experienced Porsche repair facility. The chassis inspection should be top on the list, followed by the drive train, engine, gearbox, brake system, and finally ... read more